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Project supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. 1G2009312311750101) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11375228, 11204303, and U1332105).
A systematic investigation of oxidation on a superconductive FeTe0.5Se0.5 thin film, which was grown on Nb-doped SrTiO3 (001) by pulsed laser deposition, has been carried out. The sample was exposed to ambient air for one month for oxidation. Macroscopically, the exposed specimen lost its superconductivity due to oxidation. The specimen was subjected to in situ synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) and x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurements following cycles of annealing and argon ion etching treatments to unravel what happened in the electronic structure and composition after exposure to air. By the spectroscopic measurements, we found that the as-grown FeTe0.5Se0.5 superconductive thin film experienced an element selective substitution reaction. The oxidation preferentially proceeds through pumping out the Te and forming Fe–O bonds by O substitution of Te. In addition, our results certify that in situ vacuum annealing and low-energy argon ion etching methods combined with spectroscopy are suitable for depth element and valence analysis of layered structure superconductor materials.
Superconductivity in iron-chalcogenides has attracted a great deal of interest due to the high transition temperatures and the existence of antiferromagnetic order in the compounds.[1–6] Among them, the PbOtype tetragonal FeSe is regarded as an ideal material for investigating the underlying mechanism of superconductivity owing to the simple planar crystal structure and strong Tc dependence on external conditions.[7,8] For bulk material, Te substitution in the Se sites of FeSe enhances Tc up to 14 K at an optimized doping of 50% Te in the material.[9] The enhancement of Tc is attributed to the combined effects of lattice disorder arising from the substitution of large ions and electron interaction.[10,11] The Tc is shifted up to 21 K in the Fe(TeSe) thin film, which is attributed to the stoichiometry and compressive strain enhancement in the vlattice.[12,13] A further increase of the Te content diminishes the Tc and the end member FeTe is not a superconductor, instead it is an antiferromagnetic material exhibiting a spin-density wave state.[14]
Oxygen incorporation can modulate the local electronic states and superconductivity of these materials. Recently, a route to transform FeTe into a superconductor was found by directly incorporating oxygen or exposing it to air.[15–17] The experiment showed that oxygen is the only responsible agent leading to superconductivity when exposed to ambient air.[14] Only the surface region becomes superconducting, which suggests that the oxygen incorporation has a limited depth of penetration.[18] By oxidation procedures of FeTe and FeSe, it has been shown that the former gains superconductivity and the latter loses it.[17] A new observation is in contrast with the earlier work that Tc decreases even by a small amount of oxygen incorporation.[19] The less toxic nature and relatively easy synthesis compared to ironpnictides are advantageous for the applications of the (11)-type iron chalcogenide superconductors. Studying the oxidation mechanism in ambient air condition is critical for the possible applications. However, due to the difficulty in distinguishing surface contaminant and true oxidation, most works have been done with an in situ O2-annealing method in a high vacuum. The oxidation layer is too thin for EDX and XRD measurements to find the changes of the chemical constituents and structures. To the best of our knowledge, the oxidation mechanism of the Fe(TeSe) superconductive thin film by exposing it to ambient air has rarely been studied.
In this paper, we report a study on the FeTe0.5Se0.5 thin film grown by the PLD method on an Nb-doped SrTiO3 (001) substrate, which was exposed to ambient air for one month. We focus on the influence of the oxygen incorporation in the film. We observe an element selective substitution reaction on the surface of the thin film. By a series of in situ methods, such as argon ion etching, vacuum annealing, photoelectron emission spectroscopy (PES) measurement and x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), we investigate the characteristic modifications that occurred in the electronic structure.
The thin film preparation and in situ electronic structural characterization associated with complementary methods after the ex situ exposure to air have been carried out in a recently commissioned comprehensive PES endstation system on beamline 4B9B of the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF). The actual experimental process is schematically depicted in Fig.
Following exposure to ambient air at room temperature in a super-clean laboratory for one month, the thin film was again introduced into the ultrahigh vacuum chamber to inspect the effects of air in terms of the microscopic characters of the film. To remove the contamination and oxidation layers, the film was treated by a vacuum annealing and argon ion etching procedure. The procedure contains three steps: 1) 1st annealing at the deposition temperature 350 °C for 30 min, 2) argon ion etching for 30 min, 3) 2nd annealing at the deposition temperature 350 °C for 30 min. The argon ion was accelerated at 1000 V field with the working pressure kept at 3 × 10−6 mbar.
The electric resistance measurement results of the as-grown, exposed-to-air, and after-treatment films at various temperatures are shown in Fig.
The whole elemental wide scan PES results of the film at different stages are given in Fig.
Surprisingly, two of the three native elements of the as-grown film Fe and Se re-emerge along with the O, missing the signal of Te in the annealed and etched for 10 min spectra. A lack of Te and the existence of O in place of Te in the form of chemisorption indicate that Te in the film is substituted by O, and the substitution degree changes from complete in the top layers to partial in the deeper layers of the film. This point can be visualized by the spectra after the argon ion etching. With the 10 min etching, the O intensity decreases apparently but the Te stays hidden in the measurement region, implying that the layers removed by this process contain only FeSe/O. When the aggregated etching time reaches 20 min, the oxygen diminishes and at the same time the Te begins to appear, the layers show the multi-elemental FeTeSe/O situation. With another 10 min etching, the exotic oxygen element disappears thoroughly.
From the spectra measured following the sequential dynamic treatment processes, another prominent evidence shows up that the element compositional ratios in the measured depth region change with the treatment process. As can be seen in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. The variation of Fe/Te ratio caused by different treatments for the oxidized sample (black points) and the non-oxidized sample (red points) detected by XPS. |
A straight consequential result in the thermodynamic effect on the after-treated phase in the oxidized sample shows up in the 2nd annealing by the Fe/Te ratio dropping to 0.767. The variation tendency is similar to that of the non-oxidized sample in which Fe/Te significantly decreases from 2.041 to 1.234 after vacuum annealing. We have confirmed that annealing at the deposition temperature (350 °C) does not affect the as-grown film, the 2nd annealing thus plays the role of mobilizing chalcogenide elements to segregate from chalcogenide rich deep layers under the defect rich surface to fill the defect sides, and then converge at the surface of the thin film, which creates an Fe defect surface area.
We encountered the oxidation-reduction evolution of the as-grown film from being exposed to air through sequential steps of treatment, what is not yet clearly elucidated evolution behavior accompanying these processes is the valence state variation of the central atom Fe. To achieve this goal, we inspect the variation by electronic structure investigation through fine scanned Fe 2p PES and Fe L2, 3 XAS measurements.
Determining the valence state or tracking the valence state variation of the Fe within different chemical environments through PES and XAS spectra is a complex and nontrivial issue.[23–27] The same Fe 2p core level in the same stoichiometric chemical form can have largely different binding energies owing to various follow-up extrinsic or intrinsic conditions related to the measurement results, for example, the crystal form of the substance such as film, powder, or single crystal; the preparation condition of the specimen such as in situ or ex situ; the character of the bond types such as ionic, strong, or weak covalent depending on the electronegativity of the anion elements; the sophisticated higher order interactions between Fe and anions apart from incipient chemical reactions such as crystal field, Mott–Hubbard or charge transfer. No comparable experimental results measured under the resemble conditions as depicted in Fig.
In the PES spectra of Fe 2p shown in Fig.
Due to the apparent difference in the detection length for XAS (∼ 10 nm) and PES (∼ 2–3 nm) measurements, we observe a more complicated spectral structure in the XAS spectra shown in Fig.
Te is reported to evolve from a purely metallic state to a mixed Te/Te4+ state as a function of air exposure or oxygen annealing.[17,29] We could hardly detect the signal of Te in the very surface of the exposed thin film without treatment. In Fig.
A series of data through surface treating processes show that the vacuum annealing and argon ion etching have created an imbalanced element distribution, but do not induce the impact of the valence state to the material, which make the methods suitable for depth valence analysis for these materials. However, we tried the treatments on non-oxidized and oxidized samples, superconductivity cannot be retained in both samples. The etching treatments damage the crystal structure on the surface, the last step of annealing is not able to restore the as-grown crystal phase as the peak position of Fe is unable to go back to 706.8 eV, instead it redistributes the chalcogenide defects created by the etching process in a larger scale in the crystal lattice. Te in the deep layers may diffuse to the surface to fill the defects through annealing, which may account for the unrecovered superconductivity. Moreover, the decrease of the film thickness after etching and the enriched iron in the deep layer after Te diffusion may also be the reasons for the disappearance of superconductivity and the rapid increase of resistance at low temperature.
We investigated the excess oxidation mechanism of FeTe0.5Se0.5 superconductor thin film exposing in ambient air. Oxygen selectively breaks the chemical bonds between Fe and Te after excessive oxidation, which oxidizes Fe to the +3 state and makes Te unstable in the surface. Se is not obviously influenced, which means different responses of the respective chalcogenides to oxidation in FeTe0.5Se0.5 and the Fe–Se band is much stronger than Fe–Te in this system. The disappearance of superconductivity is related to the substitution of tellurium by oxygen, which forms 2D Fe2O3 and FeSe:O layers in the surface of the thin film. The spectroscopic data herein emphasizes the significance of itinerant electrons in iron to the superconductivity property. Vacuum annealing and argon ion etching as common treatments do not induce impact of the valence state to the oxidized FeTe0.5Se0.5 thin film, which confirms their reliability in the depth element and valence analysis of layer-structure superconductor materials.
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