† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2013AA122902), the National Key Scientific Instrument and Equipment Development Project of China (Grant No. 2013YQ030595), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61274024 and 61474123).
InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiodes (APD) are rarely used in a free-running regime for near-infrared single photon detection. In order to overcome the detrimental afterpulsing, we demonstrate a passive quenching active reset integrated circuit. Taking advantage of the inherent fast passive quenching process and active reset to reduce reset time, the integrated circuit is useful for reducing afterpulses and is also area-efficient. We investigate the free-running single photon detector’s afterpulsing effect, de-trapping time, dark count rate, and photon detection efficiency, and also compare with gated regime operation. After correction for deadtime and afterpulse, we find that the passive quenching active reset free-running single photon detector’s performance is consistent with gated operation.
High-performance InGaAs/InP single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) in near-infrared range between 1.0–1.7 μm are required in many fields, such as quantum key distribution (QKD), [ 1 ] time-of-flight (TOF) measurements, fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM), and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). [ 2 ] For single photon detection, an SPAD is usually dc biased a few volts below its breakdown voltage, and is periodically pulse biased above breakdown voltage for a very short time, which is called gated operation. [ 3 ] This requires the synchronization between the gates and the coming photons, thus limits its application. [ 4 ] For a variety of situations, photons do not come in a known pattern, where the SPADs are required to operate in the free-running regime. [ 5 ]
Due to its relatively narrow bandgap ( E g = 0.75 eV for In 0.53 Ga 0.47 As), it usually exhibits more dark counts. [ 2 ] Moreover, carriers produced by previous avalanches, can be trapped by the deep levels in the multiplication layer. They can release at a later time and lead to another avalanche. Therefore, in practice, we must apply a very long deadtime, during which the SPAD is biased blow its breakdown voltage, and wait for these carriers to release. [ 6 ] This severely limits detection rate. On the other hand, the more carriers an avalanche produces, the more likely an afterpulse happens; and the number of carriers is proportional to avalanche duration. Consequently, to reduce the afterpulsing phenomena, one needs to quench the avalanche rapidly, as soon as it is sensed. [ 7 ]
Many techniques have been developed to achieve this goal. With the traditional passive quenching method, the passive reset stage takes a rather long time. Active quenching method actively quenches and resets SPAD, so the detection rate can be increased, and the deadtime is well controlled. [ 8 ] Integrated active quenching circuits [ 9 , 10 ] have been developed and also applied to the InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiodes (APD). [ 11 , 12 ] Discrete passive quenching active reset [ 13 ] is another method to reduce the afterpulsing effects, however it cannot be integrated with the APD. Negative feedback avalanche diodes (NFADs) [ 5 , 14 ] utilizing integrated resistors achieved good performance and are promising for array integration, but they only achieved passive quenching and reset.
In this paper, we demonstrate a passive quenching and active reset integrated circuit, and its operation principle. Then, we characterized the free-running InGaAs/InP single photon detector, using this integrated circuit, and extracted its afterpulsing probability, de-trapping time, dark count rate and photon detection rate through deadtime and afterpulse correction. At the same time, we compare the DCR and PDE between free-running regime and gated regime.
It is believed that, the intrinsic passive quenching is swift, while the passive reset takes a rather long time. [ 15 ] Here, we developed a passive quenching active reset integrated circuit with SMIC 0.18 μm CMOS process. The schematic is presented in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. (a) Schematic of the passive quenching active reset IC. (b) Photomicrograph of the single cell of the circuit. |
The operation principle is illustrated in Fig.
With this passive quenching active reset integrated circuit, we can characterize the free-running single photon detector performance, such as dark count rate (DCR), photon detection efficiency (PDE), and afterpulsing probability (AP). We utilized the APD, fabricated in separate absorption graded charge multiplication (SAGCM) structure. [ 17 ] The 1550 nm pulsed laser (id300, id Quantique) is fed to the APD through a single mode fibre, and attenuated to 0.1 photon/pulse. The APD is cooled to 219 K by a Peltier cooler (RMT Ltd, 2MDX04-138-0816).
When the laser is switched off, the APD’s internal thermally generated carriers, direct band-to-band tunneling (BBT) and trap-assisted tunneling (TAT) can also contribute to count rates, which is dark count rate. The photon detection efficiency is the product of external optical coupling efficiency on the photodiode, the electric carriers generation probability by absorbed photons and the avalanche triggering probability by the photo-generated carriers. [ 18 ] Afterpulsing probability is the probability that trapped charge carriers created during a previous avalanche release and induce spurious avalanches.
We applied a deadtime to relieve the afterpulsing effect. The double-pulse method [ 19 ] is adopted to extract the afterpulsing probability by applying a train of short pulse of 100 ns to the GATE pad. By tuning the time difference between light gates and subsequent dark counts, we can obtain the afterpulsing probability P ap with
We plot afterpulsing probability dependence on deadtime at different bias voltages in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. Afterpulsing probability dependence on deadtime at different bias voltages and their exponential fit. |
It indicates that the deep levels in the APD can be modeled as a single type of trap. [ 19 ] Therefore, we can extract its de-trapping time parameter through the procedure described in Ref. [ 20 ].
First of all, we can express the total measured count rate R tm as
![]() | Fig. 5. Raw count rate versus photon flux at 62.4 V bias voltage at 10 μs, 20 μs, 40 μs deadtime. The cps is for counts per second. |
![]() | Fig. 6. Extracted pre-factor C (square, right axis) and de-trapping time τ tr (circle, left axis) versus photon flux. |
Here, we can see that, the pre-factor C is almost linear with the photon flux in this log–log plot. It confirms that C 0 is proportional to avalanche current. The de-trapping time does not vary much at different photon flux, indicating that the de-trapping time constant is about 16.8 μs.
In order to prevent afterpulsing, the free-running regime applies long deadtime while photons come randomly. Thus, the device is nonlinear and its performance depends on deadtime and afterpulses. We can perform deadtime correction [ 21 ] and afterpulse correction [ 14 ] to the count rates and obtain intrinsic DCR and PDE. Also, we performed the gated operation by applying 100-ns-width pulse to the GATE pad and compared the performance between free-running regime and gated regime. By scanning the laser-to-gate delay with a step of 5 ns, we obtain the photon counts distribution. We normalize the counts and obtain the effective gate width of 95 ns as shown in Fig.
We measured the dark count rate with laser off as a function of bias voltage for different deadtimes. Depending on deadtime, the laser repetition frequency is f laser = 1/ T d . The intrinsic dark count rate R di for deadtime and afterpulse correction is expressed as
With the free-running DCR and gated DCR at different deadtime in Fig.
By taking into account the deadtime and afterpulsing, the total measured counts R tm is modeled as
In Fig.
Finally, the DCR versus PDE relationship at 20 μs deadtime is plotted in Fig.
In conclusion, we present a passive quenching active reset integrated circuit by taking advantage of the inherent fast passive quenching and active feedback reset. Combining this IC with an InGaAs/InP APD, we develop a free-running near-infrared single photon detector. Then, we comprehensively characterize the performance of this detector and compare with gated operation. We find that, the afterpulsing probability decreases with deadtime exponentially and the de-trapping time constant is 16.8 μs. The free-running DCR is higher than the gated DCR because of narrow band gap, and also follows the same principle. The free-running PDE is consistent with the gated PDE and does not depend on the deadtime. The maximum free-running PDE is about 23%, where the DCR is 10 −5 ns −1 .
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