Guiding of 150keV O6+ ions throughnanocapillaries in an uncoated Al2O3 membrane:specialtime dependence of the transmission profile width
陈熙萌, 席发元, 邱玺玉, 邵剑雄, 肖国青, 崔莹, 孙光智, 王俊, 陈益峰, 刘会平, 尹永智, 王瑜玉, 李德慧, 娄凤君, 王兴安, 徐俊奎, 周春林
2009 (5):
doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/5/038
1465 )
This paper reports that the transmission of O6+ ions with
energy of 150keV through capillaries in an uncoated Al2O3
membrane was measured, and agreements with previously reported
results in general angular distribution of the transmitted ions and
the transmission fractions as a function of the tilt angle well
fitted to Gaussian-like functions were observed. Due to using
an uncoated capillary membrane, our Ψ c is larger than
that using a gold-coated one with a smaller value of Ep/q, which suggests a larger equilibrium charge Q∞ in
our experiment. The observed special width variation with time and
a larger width than that using a smaller Ep/q were
qualitatively explained by using mean-field classical transport
theory based on a classical-trajectory Monte Carlo simulation.
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