Characteristics of critical amplitude of a sinusoidal stimulus in a model neuron
谢勇, 徐健学, 康艳梅, 胡三觉, 段玉斌
2004 (9):
doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/13/9/005
1389 )
The characteristics of the critical amplitude of a sinusoidal stimulus in a model neuron, Morris-Lecar model, are investigated numerically. It is important in the study of stochastic resonance to determine whether a periodic stimulus is subthreshold or not. The critical amplitude as a function of the stimulus frequency is not a constant, but a curve, which is the boundary between subthreshold and suprathreshold stimulation. It has been considered that this curve is U-shaped in the previous investigations, and this has been accepted as a universal phenomenon. Nevertheless, we think that it is only true for a type of neuron: namely, resonators. Actually, there exists another type of neuron, integrators, which can undergo a saddle-node on invariant circle bifurcation from the rest state to the firing state. For the latter we find that the critical amplitude increases monotonically as the frequency of sinusoidal stimulus is increased. This is shown by way of the Morris-Lecar model. As a consequence, the critical amplitude curve is studied further, and the dynamical mechanisms underlying the change in critical amplitude curve are uncovered. The results of this paper can provide a reference to choose the subthreshold periodic stimulus.
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