Magnetic properties of TbMn6Sn6-xGax (x=0.0-1.2) compounds
赵鹏, 张绍英, 成昭华, 沈保根
2002 (9):
doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/9/319
1091 )
Effects of Ga substitution for Sn on the structure and magnetic properties of TbMn6Sn6-xGax (x=0.0-1.2) compounds have been investigated by means of x-ray diffraction, magnetization measurement and 119Sn M?ssbauer spectroscopy. The substitution of Ga for Sn results in a decrease in lattice constants and unit-cell volumes. The magnetic ordering temperature decreases monotonically with increasing Ga content from 423 K for x=0.0 to 390 K for x=1.2. At room temperature, the easy magnetization direction changes from the c-axis to the ab-plane. This variation implies that the substitution of Ga for Sn leads to a decrease in the c-axis anisotropy of the Tb sublattice. An increase in the non-magnetic Ga concentration results in a monotonic decrease of the spontaneous magnetization Ms at room temperature. Since there are three non-equivalent Sn sites, 2c (0.33, 0.67,0), 2d (0.33, 0.67,0.5) and 2e (0,0,0.34) in the TbMn6Sn6-xGax compounds, the 119Sn M?ssbauer spectra of the TbMn6Sn6 and TbMn6Sn5.4Ga0.6 compounds can be fitted by three sextets. The hyperfine fields (HFs) decrease in the order of HF(2d)>HF(2e)>HF(2c), which is in agreement with the magnetic structure.
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