Fluorescence spectra of colloidal self-assembled CdSe nano-wire on substrate of porous Al 2O 3/Au nanoparticles
张欣, 邵丽萍, 彭嫚, 白忠臣, 张正平, 秦水介
Fluorescence spectra of colloidal self-assembled CdSe nano-wire on substrate of porous Al 2O 3/Au nanoparticles
Xin Zhang(张欣), Li-Ping Shao(邵丽萍), Man Peng(彭嫚), Zhong-Chen Bai(白忠臣), Zheng-Ping Zhang(张正平), Shui-Jie Qin(秦水介)
中国物理B . 2019, (6): 68103 -068103 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/28/6/068103