First-principles study of the formation and electronic structure of a conductive filament in ZnO-based resistive random access memory
赵晶, 董静雨, 任书霞, 张礼勇, 赵旭, 陈伟
First-principles study of the formation and electronic structure of a conductive filament in ZnO-based resistive random access memory
Zhao Jing (赵晶), Dong Jing-Yu (董静雨), Ren Shu-Xia (任书霞), Zhang Li-Yong (张礼勇), Zhao Xu (赵旭), Chen Wei (陈伟)
Chin. Phys. B . 2014, (12): 127301 -127301 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/23/12/127301