中国物理B ›› 2010, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (1): 14212-014212.doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/19/1/014212
张玉颖, 张驰, 胡明列, 王思佳, 宋有建, 柴路, 王清月
Zhang Yu-Ying(张玉颖), Zhang Chi(张驰), Hu Ming-Lie(胡明列)†, Wang Si-Jia(王思佳), Song You-Jian(宋有建), Chai Lu(柴路), and Wang Qing-Yue(王清月)
摘要: The filtering mechanism of a free output coupler mode-locked laser based on large-mode-area photonic-crystal fibre is analysed. A filtering-soliton mode-locked laser with 495~fs pulse width and 21 nJ pulse energy is achieved. Another novel cavity configuration is established to eliminate the filtering effect. Pulses, each 457~fs in width and 16.5 nJ in energy, are obtained in a soliton-like regime. Pulses, each 387~fs in width and 15.8 nJ in energy, are also generated in a stretched pulse regime and could be dechirped to 119~fs externally to the cavity.
中图分类号: (Fiber lasers)