中国物理B ›› 2007, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (7): 1971-1975.doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/7/028

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Atom--photon entanglement in the system with competing k-photon and l-photon transitions

方卯发1, 胡要花1, 吴琴2   

  1. (1)College of Physics and Information Science, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China; (2)School of Basic Medical Science, Guangdong Medical College, Dongguan 523808, China
  • 收稿日期:2006-12-18 修回日期:2007-01-12 出版日期:2007-07-20 发布日期:2007-07-04
  • 基金资助:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 10374025).

Atom--photon entanglement in the system with competing k-photon and l-photon transitions

Wu Qin(吴琴)a), Fang Mao-Fa(方卯发)b), and Hu Yao-Hua(胡要花)b)   

  1. a School of Basic Medical Science, Guangdong Medical College, Dongguan 523808, China; b College of Physics and Information Science, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China
  • Received:2006-12-18 Revised:2007-01-12 Online:2007-07-20 Published:2007-07-04
  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 10374025).

摘要: We have investigated the evolution of the atomic quantum entropy and the entanglement of atom--photon in the system with competing k-photon and l-photon transitions by means of fully quantum theory, and examined the effects of competing photon numbers (k and l), the relative coupling strength between the atom and the two-mode field (\lambda/g), and the initial photon number of the field on the atomic quantum entropy and the entanglement of atom--photon. The results show that the multiphoton competing transitions or the large relative coupling strength can lead to the strong entanglement between atoms and photons. The maximal atom--photon entanglement can be prepared via the appropriate selection of system parameters and interaction time.

关键词: mode--mode competition system, quantum entropy, entanglement

Abstract: We have investigated the evolution of the atomic quantum entropy and the entanglement of atom--photon in the system with competing k-photon and l-photon transitions by means of fully quantum theory, and examined the effects of competing photon numbers (k and l), the relative coupling strength between the atom and the two-mode field ($\lambda/g$), and the initial photon number of the field on the atomic quantum entropy and the entanglement of atom--photon. The results show that the multiphoton competing transitions or the large relative coupling strength can lead to the strong entanglement between atoms and photons. The maximal atom--photon entanglement can be prepared via the appropriate selection of system parameters and interaction time.

Key words: mode--mode competition system, quantum entropy, entanglement

中图分类号:  (Strong-field excitation of optical transitions in quantum systems; multiphoton processes; dynamic Stark shift)

  • 42.50.Hz
32.80.-t (Photoionization and excitation) 42.50.Dv (Quantum state engineering and measurements)