中国物理B ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (12): 120702-120702.doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ad84c1

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Realization of an optimized cylindrical uniform magnetic field coil via flexible printed circuit technology

A-Hui Zhao(赵阿慧)1,2,3, Yong-Le Zhang(张永乐)1,2,3, Yue-Yue Liang(梁跃跃)1,2,3, Yi Zhang(张艺)1,2,3, Jun-Jun Zha(查君君)1,2,3, Dao-Rong Rui(芮道荣)4, Xiao-Qiang Zhang(张肖强)1,2,3, and Kang Yang(杨康)1,2,3,†   

  1. 1 School of Integrated Circuits, Anhui Polytechnic University, Wuhu 241000, China;
    2 Anhui Engineering Research Center of Vehicle Display Integrated System, Wuhu 241000, China;
    3 Joint Discipline Key Laboratory of Touch Display Materials and Devices in Anhui Province, Wuhu 241000, China;
    4 Second Affiliated Hospital of Wannan Medical College, Wuhu 241000, China
  • 收稿日期:2024-06-27 修回日期:2024-09-06 接受日期:2024-10-09 出版日期:2024-12-15 发布日期:2024-12-15
  • 通讯作者: Kang Yang
  • 基金资助:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62101004), the Opening Research Fund of Anhui Engineering Research Center of Vehicle Display Integrated Systems (Grant No. VDIS2023C05), the Opening Project of Key Laboratory of Electric Drive and Control of Anhui Province, China (Grant No. DQKJ202309), and the Excellent Scientific Research and Innovation Teams of Anhui Province, China (Grant No. 2022AH010059).

Realization of an optimized cylindrical uniform magnetic field coil via flexible printed circuit technology

A-Hui Zhao(赵阿慧)1,2,3, Yong-Le Zhang(张永乐)1,2,3, Yue-Yue Liang(梁跃跃)1,2,3, Yi Zhang(张艺)1,2,3, Jun-Jun Zha(查君君)1,2,3, Dao-Rong Rui(芮道荣)4, Xiao-Qiang Zhang(张肖强)1,2,3, and Kang Yang(杨康)1,2,3,†   

  1. 1 School of Integrated Circuits, Anhui Polytechnic University, Wuhu 241000, China;
    2 Anhui Engineering Research Center of Vehicle Display Integrated System, Wuhu 241000, China;
    3 Joint Discipline Key Laboratory of Touch Display Materials and Devices in Anhui Province, Wuhu 241000, China;
    4 Second Affiliated Hospital of Wannan Medical College, Wuhu 241000, China
  • Received:2024-06-27 Revised:2024-09-06 Accepted:2024-10-09 Online:2024-12-15 Published:2024-12-15
  • Contact: Kang Yang
  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62101004), the Opening Research Fund of Anhui Engineering Research Center of Vehicle Display Integrated Systems (Grant No. VDIS2023C05), the Opening Project of Key Laboratory of Electric Drive and Control of Anhui Province, China (Grant No. DQKJ202309), and the Excellent Scientific Research and Innovation Teams of Anhui Province, China (Grant No. 2022AH010059).

摘要: The design and fabrication method of magnetic field coils with high uniformity is essential for atomic magnetometers. In this paper, a novel design strategy for cylindrical uniform coils is first proposed, which combines the target-field method (TFM) with an optimized slime mold algorithm (SMA) to determine optimal structure parameters. Then, the realization method for the designed cylindrical coil by using the flexible printed circuit (FPC) technology is presented. Compared with traditional fabrication methods, this method has advantages in excellent flexibility and bending property, making the coils easier to be arranged in limited space. Moreover, the manufacturing process of the FPC technology via a specific cylindrical uniform magnetic field coil is discussed in detail, and the successfully realized coil is well tested in a verification system. By comparing the uniformity performance of the experimental coil with the simulation one, the effectiveness of the FPC technology in producing cylindrical coils has been well validated.

关键词: uniform magnetic field coil, optimized target field method, slime mold algorithm, FPC technology

Abstract: The design and fabrication method of magnetic field coils with high uniformity is essential for atomic magnetometers. In this paper, a novel design strategy for cylindrical uniform coils is first proposed, which combines the target-field method (TFM) with an optimized slime mold algorithm (SMA) to determine optimal structure parameters. Then, the realization method for the designed cylindrical coil by using the flexible printed circuit (FPC) technology is presented. Compared with traditional fabrication methods, this method has advantages in excellent flexibility and bending property, making the coils easier to be arranged in limited space. Moreover, the manufacturing process of the FPC technology via a specific cylindrical uniform magnetic field coil is discussed in detail, and the successfully realized coil is well tested in a verification system. By comparing the uniformity performance of the experimental coil with the simulation one, the effectiveness of the FPC technology in producing cylindrical coils has been well validated.

Key words: uniform magnetic field coil, optimized target field method, slime mold algorithm, FPC technology

中图分类号:  (Magnetic instruments and components)

  • 07.55.-w
07.55.Ge (Magnetometers for magnetic field measurements) 84.32.Hh (Inductors and coils; wiring) 02.30.Zz (Inverse problems)