Investigation of dimensionality in superconducting NbN thin film samples with different thicknesses and NbTiN meander nanowire samples by measuring the upper critical field
Nazir Mudassar1, 2, Yang Xiaoyan3, Tian Huanfang1, Song Pengtao1, 2, Wang Zhan1, 2, Xiang Zhongcheng1, Guo Xueyi1, Jin Yirong1, You Lixing3, Zheng Dongning1, 2, 4, †

The temperature dependent parallel and perpendicular upper critical field diagrams. (a) The upper critical field for ultra thin 4 nm film and NbTiN 5 nm nanowire. The Hc2∥(t) shows pronounced 2D behavior and is well fitted with 2D GL Eq. (1) as indicated by the blue dash line. The black open circles and red open squares represent Hc2∥(t) for 4 nm NbN film and NbTiN 5 nm wire, respectively, and the Hc2∥(t) dependence shows a similar behavior. The solid triangles illustrate the Hc2⊥(t) data for NbN 4 nm film. (b), (c) The parallel critical field decreases while the perpendicular upper critical field rises with increasing thickness and the bending curvature moves towards Tc. The Hc2∥(t) is explained with AGL interpolation crossover Eq. (2) and the perpendicular upper critical field data exhibit a linear behavior and are well fitted with Eq. (3). The arrows show tcr crossover temperature, and Hc2(t) shows crisscross in high thickness samples. The open circles and solid triangles represent parallel and perpendicular field experimental data, respectively, and are fitted using Eqs. (2) and (3) as shown by the red and green solid lines.