Giant interface spin-orbit torque in NiFe/Pt bilayers
Li Shu-Fa1, Zhu Tao2, †

The resistance and the effective field measured at the transverse PHE configuration (IH) for NiFe(2.2)/Pt(3) bilayer. (a) The representative RxyH curves under various currents. In the inset, the solid lines are the fitting curves by using the Stoner–Wohlfarth model. (b) The current dependences of hx and the Oersted field hOe = I/2w, where w is the width of the Hall bar. The field hy was added here for comparison, which has been obtained at the longitudinal configuration.[25] (c) The current-dependent hFLi and hFLb . Here hFLi=hxhOe and hFLb=hyhx are the interfacial and bulk contributions to the effective fields of current-induced field-like SOT, respectively.