Detection and quantification of entanglement with measurement-device-independent and universal entanglement witness
Ke Zhi-Jin1, 2, Wang Yi-Tao1, 2, Yu Shang1, 2, Liu Wei1, 2, Meng Yu1, 2, Li Zhi-Peng1, 2, Wang Hang1, 2, Li Qiang1, 2, Xu Jin-Shi1, 2, Xiao Ya3, Tang Jian-Shun1, 2, †, Li Chuan-Feng1, 2, ‡, Guo Guang-Can1, 2

Concurrence and EWM for a series of asymmetric states. States are defined in Eq. (7), the two parameters (p,θ) are united as x, which is p = 0.01x and θ = 0.01. EWM of a state is less than or equal to its concurrence.