Regulation of microtubule array in its self-organized dense active crowds
Jiang Xin-Chen1, Ma Yu-Qiang2, †, Shi Xiaqing1, ‡

Spontaneous catastrophe and induced catastrophe in regulation of order–disorder transition. (a) The transition from NI phase to less ordered NII phase and disorder with the increase of spontaneous catastrophe rate ksc (red square) or kic (blue dot). (b) Same data as (a) but the horizontal-axis is mapped to the time averaged frequency of real catastrophe events (RCE) for all the samples. The critical angle for collision induced dynamic catastrophe is αc = 40°, the growth speed kg = 70 nm/s, and effective microtubule width W = 25 nm. The simulations start from NI state as obtained in Fig. 4(b) at kg = 70 nm/s. Each point is averaged with 5 samples with time interval 1 s, and average simulation time longer than 105s.