Stress and strain analysis of Si-based III – V template fabricated by ion-slicing
Zhao Shuyan1, 2, Song Yuxin1, Liang Hao1, 2, Jin Tingting1, 2, Lin Jiajie1, 2, Yue Li1, 2, You Tiangui1, 2, Wang Chang1, 2, Ou Xin1, 2, †, Wang Shumin1, 2, 3, ‡

(a) A slice of εxx distribution close to the sidewall, extracted from the center plane of structure B1 at 600°C. The deformation is exaggerated for 50 times. (b) Vertical σxx profile adjacent to the surface, extracted from the center of structure B1 at 600°C. (c) Lateral εxx profile in the layers in different structures adjacent to the sidewall at 600°C. The layers are labeled by material and color, as follows, Si (blue), SiO2 (green), InP (red), Al2O3 (magenta), and GaAs (black); while the structures are differentiated by line style/markers, as follows, A (solid curve, no marker), B1 (dotted curve & star marker), and B2 (dashed curve & circle marker). (d) σxx in the III–V and Al2O3 layers in different structures versus temperature. Some curves of the same material in different structures almost overlap.