Epitaxial fabrication of monolayer copper arsenide on Cu(111) |
STM, LEED, and XPS spectra of monolayer CuAs on a Cu(111) substrate. (a) LEED pattern of CuAs on Cu(111). White arrow denotes patterns from Cu(111), and red arrow denotes the diffraction spots of CuAs. (b) Large-area STM image of CuAs. (I = 0.05 nA, Vb = -1 V) (c) High-resolution XPS spectrum for As 3d. Two prominent peaks locate at 41.06 eV (As 3 d5/2) and 41.69 eV (As 3 d3/2). (d) XPS spectrum from the core level of Cu 2p. The peak at 932.4 eV is indicative of Cu 2p3/2. |
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