A two-mode squeezed light based on a double-pump phase-matching geometry
He Xuan-Jian1, Jia Jun1, Jiao Gao-Feng1, Chen Li-Qing1, †, Yuan Chun-Hua1, 3, ‡, Zhang Wei-Ping2, 3

Theoretical output probe gain Gp as a function of the two-photon detuning δ/γ and the geometrical phase match Δkz with (a) a single pump field and (b) two pump fields. Here the excited state decay rate is γ = 2π × 5.75 MHz, the decoherence rate is γc = 0.5γ, the atom density is N = 4.5 × 1018 m−3, the length of the medium is L = 12.5 mm and the pump Rabi frequencies are ΩP1 = 28γ and ΩP2 = 30γ.