Photoelectron momentum distributions of single-photon ionization under a pair of elliptically polarized attosecond laser pulses
Cui Hui-Fang1, 2, Miao Xiang-Yang1, 2, †

[(a)–(d)] Photoelectron momentum distributions and [(e)–(h)] photoelectron angular distributions of neon atom under a pair of counter-rotating polarization laser pulses with initial state 2p+ at time delays: (a) and (e) ωtd = 0.5σ, (b) and (f) ωtd = σ, (c) and (g) ωtd = 1.5σ, and (d) and (h) ωtd = 2σ. Laser ellipticity is ε = 0.25 and other laser parameters are the same as those in Fig. 1.