Silicon-based optoelectronic synaptic devices
Yin Lei, Pi Xiaodong, Yang Deren

(a) Schematic of an optoelectronic synaptic device based on the heterostructure of bulk Si and HfO2. (b) Schematic of electrical spikes for the demonstration of STDP. (c) STDP under different illumination conditions. The postsynaptic current was measured when the presynaptic electrical spike was 5 min before (I1) or after (I2) the postsynaptic electrical spike. The relative change of synaptic weight (ΔSW%) was defined as (I2I1)/I1. (d) CV characteristics under different illumination conditions. (e) Multilevel photocurrent (Iph) output after the device was regulated by electrical spikes under different illumination conditions. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [83]. Copyright 2018, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.