Michelson laser interferometer-based vibration noise contribution measurement method for cold atom interferometry gravimeter
Zhang Ning1, 2, Hu Qingqing3, Wang Qian1, 2, Ji Qingchen1, 4, Zhao Weijing1, 2, Wei Rong1, ‡, Wang Yuzhu1

The changes of (a) ω12 (the blue line) and envelope peak (the red line) as frequency chirp time; (b) the phase change of the fine interference fringes, the red line and circular symbols, pink line and hexagonal symbols, brown line and diamond symbols represent I4–3, while the black line and square symbols, blue line and triangle symbols, blue line and pentagonal symbols represent I1 – 2 when t = 0, 400, and 800 ms, respectively.