Michelson laser interferometer-based vibration noise contribution measurement method for cold atom interferometry gravimeter
Zhang Ning1, 2, Hu Qingqing3, Wang Qian1, 2, Ji Qingchen1, 4, Zhao Weijing1, 2, Wei Rong1, ‡, Wang Yuzhu1

(a) One Raman laser-polarized configuration for atomic gravimeter.[28] Red lines and blue lines represent linear polarized beams with frequencies of ω1 and ω2 respectively, the λ/4 plate is placed at 45° to generate circularly polarized lasers inside the vacuum chamber; (b) The blue solid line and the green dotted line represent the atomic |a, P〉 and | b, P + keff 〉 states in the MZ atomic gravimeter, respectively. The gray areas represent the duration time of the Raman pulses.