Probe of topological invariants using quantum walks of a trapped ion in coherent state space
Meng Ya1, 2, Mei Feng1, 2, †, Chen Gang1, 2, 3, ‡, Jia Suo-Tang1, 2

(a), (c) The mean chiral displacements C1,2 varying as functions of the rotation angle θ1 and the step t with θ1 = 3π/4, the rotation angle θ2 is fixed at 3π/2. The solid (dash-dotted) line indicates the mean chiral displacement C1 (C2 ), and the dotted (dashed) line corresponds to the topological invariant ν1/2 (ν2/2) governed by U1 (U2). (c), (d) The associated mean chiral displacements C1C2 varying as functions of the rotation angle θ1 and the time step t with θ1 = 3π/4, the rotation angle θ2 is fixed at 3π/2. The solid (dash-dotted) line indicates the associated mean chiral displacement C1C2 \ (C1+C2 ), and the dotted (dashed) line corresponds to the topological invariant ν0 (νπ) of our DTQWs.