Effect of interface magnetization depinning on the frequency shift of ferromagnetic and spin wave resonance in YIG/GGG films
Lin Fanqing1, Zhang Shouheng1, Zhao Guoxia1, Li Hongfei2, Zong Weihua2, Li Shandong1, †

(a) The S21 parameters showing FMR measured at out-of-plane external magnetic field Hext = 4.03 kOe for different microwave powers: –35 dBm, –30 dBm, –25 dBm, –20 dBm, –15 dBm, –10 dBm, –5 dBm, 0 dBm, 2.5 dBm, 5 dBm. (b) FMR frequency fr (black square), | S21 | amplitude (red dot), and peak width at half height (blue triangle) as a function of the microwave power.