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Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant Nos. 2017YFA0302901 and 2016YFA0300604), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11774399), Beijing Natural Science Foundation, China (Grant No. Z180008), the K. C. Wong Education Foundation (Grant No. GJTD-2018-01), the DAAD-PPP programme, and the joint German-Sino HGF-OCPC Postdoc Programme.
We report the physical properties, crystalline and magnetic structures of singe crystals of a new layered antiferromagnetic (AFM) material PrPd0.82Bi2. The measurements of magnetic properties and heat capacity indicate an AFM phase transition at TN ∼ 7 K. A large Sommerfeld coefficient of 329.23 mJ⋅mol−1⋅K−2 is estimated based on the heat capacity data, implying a possible heavy-fermion behavior. The magnetic structure of this compound is investigated by a combined study of neutron powder and single-crystal diffraction. It is found that an A-type AFM structure with magnetic propagation wavevector k = (0 0 0) is formed below TN. The Pr3+ magnetic moment is aligned along the crystallographic c-axis with an ordered moment of 1.694(3) μB at 4 K, which is smaller than the effective moment of the free Pr3+ ion of 3.58 μB. PrPd0.82Bi2 can be grown as large as 1 mm×1 cm in area with a layered shape, and is very easy to be cleaved, providing a unique opportunity to study the interplay between magnetism, possible heavy fermions, and superconductivity.
The layered pnictide materials such as iron-based superconductors have attracted much attention in the condensed matter physics community.[1–6] As an extensively investigated large family of materials with the general chemical formula of AMPn2 (A = alkali earth or rare earth element, M = transition metal, and Pn = pnictogen), this series of compounds are usually found to have a tetragonal ZrCuSi2-type structure (space group P4/nmm), where the A, MPn, and Pn layers are alternately stacked with each other. Emergent physical properties, such as superconductivity in LaNi1 – xBi2, LaPd0.85Bi2, and doped CaFeAs2,[7–11] and possible Dirac fermions in the topological semimetals SrMnBi2, BaMnBi2, and BaMnSb2[12–14] have been discovered recently. Replacing alkali earth elements or lanthanum with magnetic rare earth elements, such as Ce–Nd, Eu, Yb et al., may introduce additional ingredients to these materials, such as antiferromagnetic (AFM) order, Kondo effect, and heavy-fermion behavior. For example, the Kondo effect has been observed in some Ce-based intermetallic compounds,[15–18] due to the partial screening of the local magnetic moments of the 4f electrons at low temperatures. At much lower temperature, the AFM order may appear because of the dominating Ruderman–Kittel–Kasuya–Yosida (RKKY) interaction that would favor an antiferromagnetic coupling between the local moments of the 4f electrons, such as in PrPdSb2 (TN ∼ 7.6 K),[19] CePd1 – xBi2 (TN ∼ 6 K),[18] LnAuBi2(TN ∼ 2.6 K for Ln = Nd; TN ∼ 7.4 K for Ln = Pr, et al.[20]), and ErNi1 – xSb2 (TN ∼ 3.5 K).[21] However, the bulk superconductivity observed in the polycrystalline CeNi1 – xBi2[22] is still controversial. Recent report based on the studies of a series of LnNi1 – xBi2 (Ln = Ce–Nd, Sm, Gd–Dy) single crystals has suggested that the observed superconductivity is not an intrinsic phenomenon but is likely resulted from minority phases.[23]
In this paper, we report the physical properties and magnetic structure of a new member of the AMPn2 family, PrPd1 – xBi2. Similar to previously reported isostructural materials containing the Ni or Pd element, PrPd1 – xBi2 also possesses Pd vacancies, and the value of x is estimated to be 0.82 based on the single-crystal x-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. We found that PrPd0.82Bi2 exhibits an AFM order below ∼ 7 K, and neutron diffraction experiments reveal an A-type AFM structure with the magnetic moments of the Pr3+ ions aligned along the crystallographic c-axis. A large Sommerfeld coefficient estimated from heat capacity implies a possible heavy-fermion behavior. Moreover, given the absence of diamagnetism in the sample, we argue that the observed zero-resistivity in PrPd0.82Bi2 is possibly caused by the minority phases. Thus, we suggest that PrPd0.82Bi2 may provide an opportunity to clarify the existing controversies about the low temperature physical properties of this class of materials.
Single crystals of PrPd0.82Bi2 were grown by the Bi-flux method. High-purity Pr, Pd, and Bi elements were put in an alumina crucible with a molar ratio of 1 : 1 : 10. The operations were performed in a glove box filled with argon. Then the crucible was sealed in a quartz tube under high vacuum followed by heating to 1273 K, dwelling for 5 hours, and slowly cooling down to 873 K. Afterward, excess Bi flux was removed in a centrifuge. Large and plate-like single crystals with metallic luster were obtained with a typical size of 4 mm × 9 mm × 1 mm. The crystals are sensitive to the damp air and will be pleated and turning yellow after air-exposure for several hours.
Single-crystal XRD was carried out by using a Bruker D8 Venture diffractometer equipped with Mo Kα radiation (λ = 0.71073 Å). The collected data was refined by full-matrix least-squares fitting on F2 using the SHELXL-2016/6 program. Powder XRD was performed on a Bruker D2 Phaser powder diffractometer by using Cu Kα radiation. The powder samples were obtained from grinding some single crystals. All of the XRD data were collected at room temperature. Chemical composition of the single crystals was analyzed by energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX) in a Hitachi S-4800 at an accelerating voltage of 15 kV.
Magnetic susceptibility (χ) was measured in a magnetic properties measurement system (MPMS, Quantum Design Inc.) between 2 K and 300 K at various fixed applied magnetic fields in field-cooling (FC) and zero-field-cooling (ZFC) configurations. Isothermal magnetization (M – H) was measured in a sweeping field from –70 kOe to 70 kOe. Both applied field directions perpendicular and parallel to the crystallographic c-axis were measured. The Cp and electronic resistivity ρ were measured from 2 K to 300 K in various fixed magnetic fields by a physical property measurement system (PPMS, Quantum Design Inc.). The Cp was measured by using a thermal-relaxation method and the ρ was measured via four-probe technique with dc mode.
Neutron scattering experiments were carried out at the polarized neutron instrument DNS at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) at Garching, Germany. To determine the magnetic structure of PrPd0.82Bi2, one piece of single crystal weighing ∼ 200 mg was fixed on an aluminum sample stick in a standard top-loading 4 K closed-cycle cryostat, with the (H 0 L) reciprocal plane being placed in the horizontal scattering plane. The wavelength of the neutron beam used for the measurements is λ = 4.2 Å. The polarization rate of the neutron beam is about ∼ 96%. The polarized neutron diffraction intensities were measured in the X non-spin-flip (Xnsf), X spin-flip (Xsf), Z non-spin-flip (Znsf), and Z spin-flip (Zsf) scattering channels, respectively. The X polarization is defined as along the Q direction, i.e., the momentum transfer direction in the horizontal scattering plane, and the Z polarization is perpendicular to the scattering plane. The standard procedure for the flipping ratio correction was employed for the data treatment. Complementary non-polarized neutron powder diffraction (NPD) experiment was also performed on a grounded PrPd0.82Bi2 powder sample at DNS. The powders were placed in a thin-walled aluminum sample can. The data was collected at T = 12 K and 4 K, which were above and below the AFM phase transition temperature, respectively. Both powder and single-crystal magnetic structure refinements were performed with the FullProf software package.
Single-crystal XRD refinements indicate that PrPd0.82Bi2 crystallizes in a ZrCuSi2-type tetragonal structure with space group P/4nmm. The refined lattice parameters are a = b = 4.626(2) Å, and c = 9.610(5) Å. More detailed information about the refinement and the structural parameters is summarized in Tables
![]() | Table 1. Crystallographic and structure refinement data for PrPd0.82Bi2. . |
![]() | Table 2. Atomic coordinates and equivalent isotropic thermal parameters of PrPd0.82Bi2. . |
The chemical composition of some selected crystals was determined by EDX to be Pr: Pd: Bi = 25.96 : 23.29 : 50.74. The Pd vacancy found by EDX (∼ 0.92) was slightly larger than the value (∼ 0.82) that was refined by single-crystal XRD. Similar vacancies were also reported in the isostructural materials LaPd1 – xBi2 and CePd1 – xBi2.[8,9,18]
Magnetic properties were measured on a typical single crystal of PrPd0.82Bi2. Data collected in both ZFC and FC configurations are almost identical with each other. Figure
The inverse magnetic susceptibility χ−1 versus T is plotted for a fixed applied field H = 10 kOe, as shown in Fig.
The Cp versus T without applied field is plotted in Fig.
Resistivity ρ vs. T curves of PrPd0.82Bi2 are plotted in Fig.
Specifically, the previous report on the polycrystalline CeNi1 – xBi2 argued that the 6p light electrons of the Bi square-net were responsible for superconductivity,[22] which is quite different from the results obtained on the related single crystals. In LnNi1 – xBi2 (Ln = lanthanide) single crystals, no such bulk superconductivity was detected except in LaNi1 – xBi2, while only Kondo effect and AFM order were observed at low temperature in the rest compounds.[23] However, what happens in PrPd0.82Bi2 single crystals is more similar to that in CeNi1 – xBi2 single crystals.[23] While a small kink in magnetic susceptibility can be noticed at ∼ 2.5 K at low magnetic field (see the
Based on the known space group of the crystalline structure i.e., P/4nmm and the derived magnetic propagation wavevector k = (0 0 0), four possible magnetic configurations of the Pr3+ moments in the unit cell can be obtained via irreducible representation analysis (see Fig. S2 in the
The temperature dependence of the Xsf scattering intensity of the magnetic peak [1 0 0], as shown in Fig.
In order to determine the ordered magnetic moment precisely, additional non-polarized NPD experiment was performed on a PrPd0.82Bi2 powder sample that was grounded from a small single crystal. As plotted in Fig.
PrPd0.82Bi2 single crystals were successfully grown and their physical properties, including heat capacity, magnetic properties, and resistivity, as well as the low-temperature magnetic structure were studied by complementary in-house characterization and neutron powder and single-crystal diffraction. We found that PrPd0.82Bi2 shows an AFM phase transition with TN ∼ 7 K. Meanwhile, a spin-flop transition occurs as increasing the applied magnetic field at 2 K. A large Sommerfeld coefficient, reaching to 329.23 mJ⋅mol−1⋅K−2, suggests a heavy-fermion like behavior that may be due to the interaction between the localized 4f electrons of Pr3+ ions and itinerant charge carriers. Furthermore, the resistivity reaches to zero at ∼ 2.7 but no obvious diamagnetic behavior is detected, implying that it may be not a bulk superconductor but caused by minority phases. Neutron scattering experiments performed on both single crystals and grinding powders reveal an A-type AFM order of Pr3+ ions below TN. The magnetic moments of Pr3+ ions are strictly aligned along the crystallographic c-axis, behaving like a quasi-2D Ising spin system. The ordered magnetic moment refined from neutron powder diffraction data is estimated to be 1.694(3) μB, which is smaller than that of a free Pr3+ ion. Further studies may be needed to clarify such as the origin of superconductivity, the influence of the CEF effect on the magnetic ground state of Pr3+ ions, and possible heavy fermion behavior in this layered antiferromagnet PrPd0.82Bi2.
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