Optical spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion in structured optical fields
Zhao Yang1, Yang Cheng-Xi1, Zhu Jia-Xi1, Lin Feng1, †, Fang Zhe-Yu1, 2, 3, 4, ‡, Zhu Xing1, 2, 4

(a) Schematic of a spherical Ag nanoparticle with the radius of 100 nm under illumination of circularly polarized light. The incident light propagates along the z-axis, the wavelength is 671 nm. Under (b) LCP and (c) RCP illumination, PO and S of the scattering light displayed at the xy plane crossing the spherical surface. The origin locates at the center of the sphere. r is the radial vector. The red color in the sphere represents the positive charge distribution, and the blue the negative charge distribution. The black (green) arrows indicate the direction of PO (S).