Non-Gaussian statistics of partially coherent light in atmospheric turbulence
Ni Hao1, Liang Chunhao2, Wang Fei1, †, Chen Yahong1, ‡, Ponomarenko Sergey A.3, 4, Cai Yangjian1, 2, §

Experimental setup for generating the GSM beam (part A) and measuring its intensity correlations in the lab-generated turbulence by using the slow (part B) and fast (part C) detectors. NDF: neutral density filter; BE: beam expander; RM: reflected mirror: L1 and L2: thin lenses; RGGD: rotating ground glass disk; GAF: Gaussian amplitude filter; SLM: spatial light modulator; BS: beam splitter; D1 and D2: single photon detectors; CC: coincidence circuit.