Propagation properties of radially polarized Pearcey-Gauss vortex beams in free space
Chen Xinpeng1, Xu Chuangjie2, Yang Qian1, Luo Zhiming1, Li Xixian1, Deng Dongmei1, †

Synthesizing intensity distribution as the RPPGVB travels along the z-axis in free space with parameters: λ = 500 nm, xd = yd = 0, x′ = y′ = 0.1 mm, w0 = 2 mm: (a) z = 0, (b) z = 0.3ze, (c) z = 0.8ze, (d) z = ze, (e) z = 1.2ze, (f) z = 1.8ze. The unit of the intensity in all the figures is cd.