Exact analytical results for a two-level quantum system under a Lorentzian-shaped pulse field
Xie Qiong-Tao1, †, Liu Xiao-Liang2

Normalized transition probability P1,n(t) = |a1(t)|2/(|a1(t)|2 + |a2(t)|42) for (a) gt0 = –10, (b) gt0 = –1, (c) gt0 = –0.5, and (d) gt0 = 0. The parameters are given as g = 1, f1/g = 5, f0/g = −4g/f1 = −4/5, and ν1/g=16f12/g2=i3 . The initial conditions are a1(t0) = 1 and a2(t0) = 0. The dashed lines are the exact results of the normalized final transition probability P1,nf .