Generating mechanism of pathological beta oscillations in STN–GPe circuit model: A bifurcation study
Wang Jing-Jing1, Yao Yang1, Gao Zhi-Wei2, Li Xiao-Li3, Wang Jun-Song1, †

Influence of interaction of synaptic gains on dynamic behaviors of the model, showing Hg with respect to Hs for C3 = 10 (a) and C3 = 30 (c). [(b), (d)] frequency distribution diagrams, [(e) and (f)] curves frequency with respect to Hs (setting Hg = 1) and Hg (setting Hs = 0.5) for C3 = 10 (e) and C3 = 30 (f). Other parameters remain default values as listed in Table 1. (g) Effect factor K of the parameters Hs and Hg on the generation of limit cycle oscillation. The black line in the codimension-two bifurcation diagram is the curve of the limit point bifurcation of cycles, corresponding to the LPC point in codimension-one bifurcation diagram.