† Corresponding author. E-mail:
This work was funded by the University of Tehran.
Structural and morphological changes as well as corrosion behavior of N+ implanted Al in 0.6 M NaCl solution as function of N+ fluence are investigated. The x-ray diffraction results confirmed AlN formation. The atomic force microscope (AFM) images showed larger grains on the surface of Al with increasing N+ fluence. This can be due to the increased number of impacts of N+ with Al atoms and energy conversion to heat, which increases the diffusion rate of the incident ions in the target. Hence, the number of the grain boundaries is reduced, resulting in corrosion resistance enhancement. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and polarization results showed the increase of corrosion resistance of Al with increasing N+ fluence. EIS data was used to simulate equivalent electric circuits (EC) for the samples. Strong dependence of the surface morphology on the EC elements was observed. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis of the samples after corrosion test also showed that the surfaces of the implanted Al samples remain more intact relative to the untreated Al sample, consistent with the EIS and polarization results.
Aluminium and its alloys are used in excess in different industries such as car, space, electronics, anodic materials for batteries, and cathode protecting systems, owing to their lightness, sheer strength, electrical and high thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance.[1–9] In spite of all these, because of their low hardness and low resistance, their use is limited.[2] In general, when the surface oxide layer of aluminium is dissolved, its surface becomes prone to corrosion which is due to the absorption of Cl− ions that react with the Al cations in the oxide lattice.[9–11] This property of Cl− ion is because of its small size and high penetration, strong anionic nature and the high dissolvability of chloride salt.[12,13] However, when metals and in particular Al are exposed to a polar environment/solvent (water or alcohol) or electrolyte solution (salt, acid, or alkali halides solved in water), the surface obtains an electrical potential because the water polar molecules have a negative extra charge on the oxygen atom and a positive charge on the hydrogen atoms, the electric forces from water molecules and metal atoms force the metallic ions to leave the material (metal) and move towards the solution as cations. This process is the mechanism of corrosion of a metal in the presence of an electrolyte such as sea water. Corrosion is defined as the interaction between a material (e.g., metal) and the corroding medium (environment) which leads to deterioration of the material and the environment.[14–16] Hence, the protection of the material from corrosion is of high importance. Use of different surface modification methods may provide ways to achieve this goal.[17–19]
Ion implantation modifies the sample surface and the interaction of the incident ions with sample atoms may lead to surface hardness and corrosion resistance of the sample surface.[20–26] In this process high temperatures are not required, while the bulk of the sample remains intact. Considering that in ion implantation one can control the ion fluence and the accelerating potential, hence conditions for tailoring the surface morphology are provided.[27]
It is shown that the corrosion resistance of the surface and its mechanical strength can be improved by N+ ion implantation.[28–30] Ion implantation of Al surface leads to formation of an inhomogeneous hard AlN layer.[31–33] Researchers have shown that nucleation of AlN results in increasing of the surface hardness and decreasing of the erosion.[34] Also it is shown that both hardness and erosion of the Al surface depend on the fluence of the N+ ions.[34] Abreu et al.[35] reported that implantation of nitrogen ions of 2 × 1017 ion/cm2 with 50 keV energy leads to formation of AlN and improves the hardness, erosion, and corrosion resistance of AA7075 Al in NaCl medium.
N+ ion implantation enhances the pitting type corrosion resistance considerably which in turn leads to the increase of the corrosion resistance of the sample. This can be due to the formation of a pinholeless AlN layer with no gaps between the grains.[21] In Ref. [36], the results of polarization measurements of N+ ions implanted Al showed the enhancement of corrosion resistance of the sample in seawater (0.6 M NaCl).
The Al surface hardness, corrosion, and wear resistance increase with N+ ions implantation.[37–40] The influence of the substrate temperature and the condition of the N+ ions beam on the modification of the surface by the nitride layer has been reported.[30,40–43]
Our aim in this work is to implant Al alloy (7049 with fifteen elements in its composition) substrate surface by N+ ions of different fluences and study the corrosion behavior of these samples in 0.6 M NaCl solution (sea water simulated solution) using the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and polarization techniques. Correlation between the surface morphology/nanostructure and corrosion behavior of the samples (equivalent circuit elements) in corroding medium (NaCl solution) is also investigated.
Al samples (7049 with fifteen elements in its composition) (20 mm × 20 mm × 3 mm) were prepared for this study. Composition of Al was obtained by means of x-ray fluorescence (XRF) method (Philips PW2404, calibrate with Philips analytical x-ray B.V. standards with certificate of secondary for the SEMIQ). The results are given in Table
![]() | Table 1. Chemical composition of Al (7049) used in this work. . |
The N+ ion implantation was performed under 2 × 10−5 mbar pressure at room temperature (298 K). The N+ ions beam with different fluences of 1 × 1017 cm−2, 3 × 1017 cm−2, 5 × 1017 cm−2, 7 × 1017 cm−2, and 1 × 1018 cm−2, N+ ion energy of 30 keV, and ion current of 40 μA · cm−2 was used. Considering the definition of the current (number of ions per unit time) and having a fixed current, by increasing the ion fluence the required time for implantation increases (Table
![]() | Table 2. Details of N+ ions implantation process. . |
The surface morphology and roughness of the samples were measured using an atomic force microscope (AFM: Nt-mdt scanning probe microscope, BL022, Russia; with low stress silicon nitride tip of less than 200 Å radius and tip opening of 18°). A STOE model STADI MP x-ray diffractometer, Germany (Cu Kα radiation) with a step size of 0.01° and count time of 1.0 s per step, was employed for crystallographic analysis of the samples. From the analysis of the two-dimensional (2D) AFM images, the average grain size and the surface roughness of the samples were obtained using JMicro-Vision and Nova Codes, respectively. The reproducibility of the results was confirmed by producing several samples (minimum of 4 samples for each implantation fluence) and checking the data at different stages of the work (different analyses; XRD, AFM, EIS, and polarization).
The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analysis of the samples was carried out using a potentiostat (Ivium, De Zaale 11, 5612 AJ Eindhoven, Netherlands) coupled to PC with reference to the open circuit potential (OCP) and in the frequency range of 100 kHz to 0.01 Hz with a voltage amplitude of 0.01 V. The sample (working electrode) was mounted in an inert fixture (polyamide) which only allows an area of 1 cm2 of the sample surface being exposed to the 0.6 M NaCl solution and provids access to the back of the substrate for connection of an electrical contact, so that the working electrode is not influenced by undesirable effects. As the reference and the auxiliary electrodes a saturated calomel electrode and a platinum electrode were employed, respectively.
Before EIS measurement, the sample was immersed in the NaCl solution and the open circuit potential measurement was performed until it was stabilized.
The facility of the inert fixture mentioned above for connecting a copper wire to the back of the substrate was used to apply the polarization potential to the working electrode, where a saturated calomel reference electrode (SCE) and a platinum counter electrode were used in a three-electrode setup. The potential was swept with a rate of 1 mV · s−1 to cover a range of about 2 V for each sample, starting from −1 V vs. OCP. All measurements were performed at 298 K. All of the potentials presented in this work are as a function of SCE.
The corrosion current density jcorr and the corrosion potential Ecorr were calculated from the Tafel extrapolation of the polarization curves of semi-logarithmic plot using the method prescribed in Ref. [44]. In order to make an accurate Tafel extrapolation, we started our extrapolation at least 50–100 mV away from Ecorr. The polarization curves of the samples also showed at least one linear (semi-logarithmic) scale consistent with the prescription.[45,46]
The surface physical morphology of the samples after the polarization tests was obtained by means of scanning electron microscope (SEM: LEO 440i, England) analysis.
The XRD patterns of the implanted samples with N+ ions of different fluences are given in Fig.
In Fig.
The two- and three-dimensional AFM images of the untreated Al and N+ ions implanted Al samples with different fluences are given in Figs.
![]() | Fig. 4. The (a) 2D and (b) 3D images of N+ ions implanted samples with different fluences; (a) 1 × 1017 cm−2, (b) 3 × 1017 cm−2, (c) 5 × 1017 cm−2, (d) 7 × 1017 cm−2, (e) 1 × 1018 cm−2. |
![]() | Table 3. Average grain sizes and surface roughness obtained from AFM images for untreated Al and N+ ions implanted Al samples. . |
EIS is a nondistructive test, hence it was carried out on the sample before polarization measurement. The results of EIS (Nyquist plots) analysis of the untreated Al sample and Al samples implanted with N+ ions of different fluences are given in Fig.
These second capacitors are indicative of the capacitance (constant phase element) behavior of the interface between the undisturbed surface layer of Al by N+ ions implantation (hereafter it is called “substrate") and the corroding medium (double layer) through incompleteness (pores/pinholes) of the modified/coated surface layer of Al by N+ ions implantation (hereafter it is called “coating"). The value of this double layer capacitor depends on several factors such as the potential of the electrode, temperature, ionic density of the electrolyte solution, type of ions, and surface adsorption of impurities. The incompleteness of the coating allows the corroding medium to penetrate into the structure.
As mentioned above, the Bode and the phase diagrams which can be obtained through the best fit procedure between experimental data and the equivalent circuit (EC) provide more information that will be discussed further in the following paragraphs.
In Figs.
Due to the inhomogeneity of the structure of the formed layer and the roughness of the coated Al surface, CPE1 and CPEdl capacitors are not in an ideal state. Hence, n1 and ndl parameters may be assigned for the deviation of these capacitances from the ideal state (i.e., n for ideal state is unity). The EC to describe the highest N+ ions fluence sample (Fig.
![]() | Fig. 7. Result of TRIM2012 code for N+ ion distribution in Al sample after 9999 N+ ion implantation. |
The Bode and the phase diagrams for the samples discussed in this work resulted from the best fit procedure between the simulation and experimental data are compared in Fig.
In Table
These are in agreement with the XRD results discussed in Subsection
The decrease in CPE1 and CPEdl (and small value of CPE2 in case of 1 × 1018 cm−2 N+ fluence, while CPE1 and CPEdl of this sample are slightly increased relative to those of the other implanted samples) can be due to the increase of penetration (higher density) of the N+ ions and the result of heat accumulation in the sample by increasing the implantation time (discussed above and in Subsection
![]() | Table 4. Electrochemical parameters of untreated Al and implanted Al with N+ ions of different fluences subjected to corrosion test in 3.5 wt% (0.6 M) NaCl solution, obtained from the simulation procedure using the Zsimp program. . |
Polarization curves for untreated Al and N+ ions implanted samples with different fluences are given in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 9. Polarization curves of untreated Al alloy (7049) and N+ ions implanted Al alloy (7049) samples with different fluences. |
The polarization curves of the two samples produced with higher N+ ion fluences do not show this pitting corrosion effect, and the corrosion current density is decreased to much lower values for these samples, especially for sample with the highest N+ ion fluence of 1 × 1018 cm−2. The results of polarization measurements are consistent with the EIS results and directly correlate with the structural and morphology of the samples discussed in different sections of this work.
![]() | Table 5. Corrosion potential and corrosion current densities for untreated Al and implanted Al with N+ ions of different fluences subjected to corrosion test in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution, obtained from the polarization curves. . |
In order to observe the physical changes of the surfaces of the samples after polarization test, the SEM images of the samples were taken and are shown in Figs.
Al type 7049 substrates were implanted with N+ ions of different fluences. This process enhanced the corrosion resistance of the samples relative to the uncoated Al in 3.5% (0.6 M) NaCl solution. Both electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and polarization measurements showed that the highest corrosion behavior enhancement is achieved for the sample implanted with the highest N+ ion fluence of 1 × 1018 cm−2. Surface morphology and crystallographical structure of the samples were obtained using AFM and XRD, respectively, which showed the improvement of nitride phase and surface roughness, increase of grain size, and hence reduced number of grain boundaries with N+ ions fluence. These results are in agreement and directly correlated with the electrochemical analyses.
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