Low temperature magnetism in the rare-earth perovskite GdScO3
Sheng Jie-Ming1, 2, 3, Kan Xu-Cai4, Ge Han1, Yuan Pei-Qian1, Zhang Lei1, Zhao Nan1, Song Zong-Mei1, Yao Yuan-Yin1, Tang Ji-Ning1, Wang Shan-Min1, Tian Ming-Liang4, 5, Tong Xin2, 3, ‡, Wu Liu-Suo1, §

(a) and (c) Field dependence of magnetization M of GdScO3, measured at different T, with field along the b and c axes. (b) and (d) The contour plot of the magnetic phase diagram of GdScO3 with applied field along the b and c axes. The AFM to PM phase boundary is given by the red open circles.