Phase-modulated quadrature squeezing in two coupled cavities containing a two-level system
Li Hao-Zhen1, 2, †, Zeng Ran1, Zhou Xue-Fang1, Bi Mei-Hua1, Xu Jing-Ping2, ‡, Yang Ya-Ping2

The variances of the amplitude and phase quadrature as a function of the detuning for different phase difference: (a) ϕ2ϕ1 = 0; (b) ϕ2ϕ1 = π; (c) ϕ2ϕ1 = 0.5π. All the red solid and blue dashed curves represent the amplitude and phase quadrature, respectively. The common parameters for this situation are |g1| = |g2| = 5κ, J = 2κ, ε = 0.5κ, γa = 0.1κ, and κ1 = κ2 = κ.