Optoelectronic memristor for neuromorphic computing
Xue Wuhong1, 2, Ci Wenjuan1, Xu Xiao-Hong1, ‡, Liu Gang2, 3, §

(a) Schematic diagram of signal transmission between pre-synaptic neuron and post-synaptic neuron by a connected biological synapse.[97] Copyright (2016) John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (b) Diagrams of ion transport under light excitation in optogenetics.[98] Copyright (2011) Elsevier Inc. (c) Dependence of the synaptic weight on the (c) wavelength,[99] (d) interval,[29] and (e) intensity[80] of light spikes. Copyright (2019) John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Copyright (2018) Springer Nature and Copyright (2018) American Chemical Society. (f) Photonic potentiation and electric habituation.[68] Copyright (2018) John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (g) The dependence of EPSCs on the different light stimulation frequencies.[100] Copyright (2019) American Chemical Society. (h) Habituation controlled by different polarized lights including circular and linear polarizations.[43] Copyright (2017) Royal Society of Chemistry.