Magnetocaloric effect and critical behavior of the Mn-rich itinerant material Mn3GaC with enhanced ferromagnetic interaction
Liu Pengfei1, 2, Peng Jie1, Xue Mianqi2, Wang Bosen3, †

(a) H/T vs. 1/T with constant M. Inset: the plots of H/MT vs. 1/T. (b) Scaled data in M vs. (H + Hexch) and polynomial fit. Inset: the exchange field Hexch vs. M with the formula Hexch = λ1 M+ λ3M3. (c) The experimental and the calculated curves. (d) ΔSM with ΔH = 20 kOe, 30 kOe, and 45 kOe for comparison.