Nanofabrication of 50 nm zone plates through e-beam lithography with local proximity effect correction for x-ray imaging
Zhu Jingyuan1, Zhang Sichao1, Xie Shanshan1, Xu Chen1, Zhang Lijuan2, Tao Xulei2, Ren Yuqi2, Wang Yudan2, Deng Biao2, Tai Renzhong2, Chen Yifang1, †

SEM micrographs of the fabricated zone plates by EBL with local PEC and Au electroplating. (a) The FZPs with the aspect ratio of 4:1 for soft x-ray. The central part is an integrated 2-μm-thick beam stop. (b) The FZPs with the aspect ratio of 15:1. The photos in (a3) and (b3) were taken at the SE2 tilt angle of 70°.