Improvement of high-frequency properties of Co2FeSi Heusler films by ultrathin Ru underlayer
Wang Cuiling1, 2, Zhang Shouheng1, Li Shandong1, †, Du Honglei1, 3, Zhao Guoxia1, Cao Derang1

(a) The typical S21 FMR absorption curves at 0 Oe for Co2FeSi films with Ru thickness from 0 nm to 5 nm. (b) The experimental (symbols) and fitting (lines) fr versus H curves of films with various Ru thicknesses of 0 nm–5 nm. The inset is the directions of the applied magnetic field H and the magnetization M of FMR measurements. The tRu dependences of self-bias FMR frequency and the fitted 4π Meff (c), and measured HK and HC (d).