Spin-exchange relaxation of naturally abundant Rb in a K–Rb–21Ne self-compensated atomic comagnetometer
Lu Yan1, Zhai Yueyang2, 3, 4, Zhang Yong1, Fan Wenfeng1, Xing Li1, Quan Wei2, 3, 4, †

Simulations for comparison of the various parameters associated with the SE relaxation between the 87Rb and 85Rb isotopes contained in naturally abundant Rb in the same vapor cell. (a) Dimensionless gyromagnetic ratios γ(Pe); (b) slowing-down factors Q(Pe); (c) precession rates ω0; (d) simulated SE relaxation rates Rseee in a naturally abundant Rb vapor cell obtained using the densities na = 27.8% × ne and nb = 72.2% × ne for 87Rb and 85Rb, respectively, where ne = 3.831 × 1014 cm−3 is the total Rb vapor density measured during the cell preparation process.