Controlling paths of high-order harmonic generation by orthogonal two-color fields
Ma Ze-Hui1, 2, Zhang Cai-Ping1, 2, †, Ma Jun-Lin1, 2, Miao Xiang-Yang1, 2, ‡

(a) The electric field of the laser pulses with the combination of ω/1.5ω laser fields in two cycles, Ix = 5 × 1014 W/cm2, Iy = 5 × 1014 W/cm2, λx = 1200 nm, λy = 800 nm, O is the origin of ExEy, A, A′, B, B′, C, C′ (D, D′) denote the ionization (return) moments of the electron, the arrows mean the trend of electric field; (b) the time–frequency distribution of the HHG corresponding to the case of panel (a); (c) and (d) the time-dependent electron wave packets probability density of x, y axes, respectively. The white line means that classical computations show that the excursion of the electron trajectories in the continuum is characterized by a distance x0 = E0/ω2.