Energy cooperation in quantum thermoelectric systems with multiple electric currents
Liu Yefeng1, Lu Jincheng1, †, Wang Rongqian1, Wang Chen2, Jiang Jian-Hua1, ‡

(a) The maximum efficiency ηmax in units of Carnot efficiency ηC [Eq. (19)], (b) the enhancement factor of the efficiency ηmax/max(ηLR,ηPR), (c) the maximum output power Wmax [Eq. (21)], and (d) the enhancement factor of the power Wmax/max(WLR,WPR) as functions of E1 and E2. The parameters are t = −0.2kBT, Γ = 0.5kBT, μ = 0, and E3 = 0.