Applicability of coupling strength estimation for linear chains of restricted access*

Project supported by Shanghai Sailing Program, China (Grant No. 16YF1412600) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11420101003, 11604347, 11827806, 11874368, and 91636105).

Feng He1, 2, Yan Tian-Min1, †, Jiang Yuhai1, 2, 3, ‡

Reconstruction of Ji, i + 1 for a chain of N = 6 and εi = 0. Panel (a) shows the temporal evolution of population on site 1, and panel (b) shows its spectral distribution that provides λn and C1, n as required by the reconstruction algorithm. In panel (c), applying the parameter estimation, the five unknown coupling strengths are estimated. The estimated values Ji,i+1 show good agreement with the actual values Ji, i + 1. Panel (d) presents the possible errors with the input values λn and C1, n that may hamper the reconstruction procedure. For peak 1, the C1, n below the threshold during the measurement is simply truncated. For peak 2, the broadening of the spectral peak results in the deviation of the measured eigenvalue λn from the actual λn.