Nonlinear simulation of multiple toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes in tokamak plasmas
Zhu Xiao-Long, Wang Feng, Wang Zheng-Xiong

Comparison of distribution of lost beam ions in E–ΔΛ space for (a)–(c) multiple-n and (d)–(f)nsingle = 2 simulations with the same parameter βh = 1.81%, υh = 2.55υA, where E is referred to the energy of lost beam ion at the lost moment and ΔΛ is referred to the difference between the pitch angle Λl1 at the lost moment and the pitch angle Λl0 at the initial moment when the particle has not suffered from the perturbation. [(a), (d)] The lost passing particle distribution in each simulation. [(b), (e)] The lost trapped particle distribution in each simulation. [(c), (f)] The overall lost particle distribution in each simulation. The color coding is in arbitrary units.