Probing the minigap in topological insulator-based Josephson junctions under radio frequency irradiation Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant Nos. 2016YFA0300601, 2017YFA0304700, and 2015CB921402), the National Natural Science Foundation China (Grant Nos. 11527806, 91221203, 11174357, 91421303, and 11774405), and the Strategic Priority Research Program B of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant Nos. XDB07010100 and XDB28000000), and the Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, China (Grant No. Z191100007219008). |
Device structure and measurement configuration. (a) False-color SEM image of the proximity-type Josephson junction. A Josephson junction with Al electrodes (blue) was fabricated on the surface of a Bi2Te3 flake (gray, the whole image). The normal-metal Pd electrode (yellow) was deposited to contact the junction area through a window (marked by the dashed rectangle) on the insulating mask made of overexposed PMMA. Note that the surfaces of the Al electrodes were oxidized in situ before evaporating Pd. (b) Schematics of the device under rf irradiation. The configurations for measurements of contact resistance (yellow) and for Josephson supercurrent (blue) are illustrated. |
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