Entanglement teleportation via a couple of quantum channels in Ising–Heisenberg spin chain model of a heterotrimetallic Fe–Mn–Cu coordination polymer*

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11274102), the New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. NCET-11-0960), and the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (Grant No. 20134208110001).

Zheng Yi-Dan, Mao Zhu, Zhou Bin

(a) The dependence of the anisotropy parameter Δ on the critical temperature Tc for different values of the external magnetic field h with J1 = J2 = −1 and Cin = 1. (b) The density plot of the output concurrence depending on the Ising coupling parameter J1 and the Heisenberg coupling parameter J2 for T = 0.1, Δ = 2, h = 0, and Cin = 1.