Influence of pump intensity on atomic spin relaxation in a vapor cell*

supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFA0304502) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11634008, 11674203, 11574187, and 61227902).

Yang Chen1, 2, Zuo Guan-Hua1, 2, Tian Zhuang-Zhuang1, 2, Zhang Yu-Chi3, †, Zhang Tian-Cai1, 2, ‡

Experimental setup for measuring the MRL. BS: beam splitter; PSL: the laser frequency control system by polarization spectrum locking technique; SAS, saturated absorption spectrum; HWP, half-wave plate; PBS, polarization beam splitter; HR, highly reflective mirror; GTP, Glan–Taylor prism; WP, Wollaston prism; BPD, balanced photodetector; AC, alternating current power supply; OSC, oscilloscope. The involved energy levels of cesium atom are shown in the upper right. mF and m F denote the magnetic quantum numbers of the ground and excited states, respectively. The Z polarized pump beam and the Y polarized probe beam are resonance to cesium D1 line 62S1/2 F = 4 to 62 P1/2 F′ = 3 and D2 line 62 S1/2 F = 4 to 62 P3/2 F′ = 5, respectively. The magnetic field (along the X direction) can be changed near the zero point by sweeping the driving current of the Helmholtz coil via AC, and the MRL can be obtained via OSC.