Dynamics of an ultrasound contrast agent microbubble near spherical boundary in ultrasound field*

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11774088 and 11474090), the Hunan-Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 13JJ3076), and the Science Research Program of Education Department of Hunan Province of China (Grant No. 14A127).

Hu Ji-Wen1, 2, Wang Lian-Mei1, Qian Sheng-You2, †, Liu Wen-Yi1, Liu Ya-Tao1, Lei Wei-Rui1

The ratio of Rmax/R0 as a function of the ratio of Rw/R0 for two different boundaries for a microbubble at the distance of d = 1.1R0. The broken curves represent convex boundary and the solid curves represent concave boundary.