Electro-optomechanical switch via tunable bistability and four-wave mixing
Ullah Kamran

A sketch of the steady-state photon number |cs|2 against the normalized cavity field detuning Δc/κ for the cases (a) g0/2π = (10, 12, 14, 16) kHz; (b) gc/2π = (100, 150, 200, 250) kHz. (c) The steady state mean intra-cavity photon numbers |cs|2 against the normalized atomic detuning Δa/ω1 for different values of atom field coupling g=gaN . (d) The steady state mean photon number |cs|2 against the dimensionless detuning Δc/κ for four different frequencies of NMR1. The remaining parameters are the same as used in Fig. 9.