Quantitative heterogeneity and subgroup classification based on motility of breast cancer cells
Xiong Ling1, Liu Yanping1, 2, Liu Ruchuan1, Yuan Wei3, Wang Gao1, He Yi1, Shuai Jianwei2, Jiao Yang4, Zhang Xixiang5, Han Weijing6, Qu Junle3, ‡, Liu Liyu1, §

Persistent time of cells in EGF+ medium with and ratio of active cells. (a)–(f) Histograms of persistence times from maximum likelihood estimation fitting of power spectra for MDA-MB-231 (blue) and MCF-7 (red) cells: (a) and (d) persistent time of normal cells, (b) and (e) short persistent time component of active cells, (c) and (f) long persistent time component of active cells. (g) Ratio of active cells in four media types for MDA-MB-231 (blue) and MCF-7 (red) cells.