Expansion dynamics of a spherical Bose–Einstein condensate
Li Rui-Zong1, 3, Gao Tian-You1, †, Zhang Dong-Fang1, Peng Shi-Guo1, Kong Ling-Ran1, 3, Shen Xing1, 3, Jiang Kai-Jun1, 2, ‡

Scaling factor λ ( τ ) in the long-time expansion. The black solid curve is the calculation with Eq. (5). The red dashed curve is the calculation with Eq. (7) for the long-time expansion. Blue squares, red circles, and green diamonds denote the measurements with atom numbers of 0.55 × 10 5 , 0.66 × 10 5 , and 1.40 × 10 5 , respectively. Each error bar is the uncertainty of three measurements.