Expansion dynamics of a spherical Bose–Einstein condensate
Li Rui-Zong1, 3, Gao Tian-You1, †, Zhang Dong-Fang1, Peng Shi-Guo1, Kong Ling-Ran1, 3, Shen Xing1, 3, Jiang Kai-Jun1, 2, ‡

(a) Schematics of energy components during the free expansion. The trapping potential is switched off at t = 0. Ep is the potential energy, Erel is the release energy, Ekin is the kinetic energy, Eint is the interaction energy, and μ is the chemical potential. After a long-time expansion ( t > t 1 ), the interaction energy is completely converted to the kinetic energy. (b) The scaling factor λ ( τ ) = R ( τ ) / R ( 0 ) versus the scaling expansion time τ. R(0) is the TF radius of the BEC in the trap and τ = ω t . The black solid curve denotes the calculation with Eq. (5) for the whole expansion process. The blue dotted curve indicates the calculation with Eq. (6) for the short-time expansion. The red dashed curve is the calculation with Eq. (7) for the long-time expansion.