Extraordinary transmission and reflection in PT -symmetric two-segment-connected triangular optical waveguide networks with perfect and broken integer waveguide length ratios
Wu Jia-Ye1, 2, Wu Xu-Hang1, Yang Xiang-Bo1, ‡, Li Hai-Ying1

Transmission and reflection spectra of the networks with perfect integer waveguide length ratios at extraordinary point, where the blue solid line, thin red dotted line, thick green dotted line, and brown dashed line represent the left-incident transmission and reflection and the right-incident transmission and reflection, respectively: (a) d 1 : d 2 = 1 : 1 and n I = 1.32 × 10 8 ; (b) d 1 : d 2 = 1 : 2 and n I = 1.25 × 10 8 .